Treadstone Industrial Sales is a sole proprietor company registered to Leo C. Tan. It was established March of 2010. However, it has been in this industry for many years as this has been the family’s business since the year 1997. Therefore, the company can serve its clients’ requirements with reliability and experience.
It is a Filipino-Chinese owned wholesale-retail tire company that markets a comprehensive line-up of brands of TIRES for all types of vehicles from automotive, SUV, light to heavy trucks, loaders, graders, cargos, solid and forklifts.
The company also carries OILS and LUBRICANTS that cater to both automotive and industrial needs. Oils categorizing from engine oils, brake fluids, additives, hydraulic oils, greases, cutting oils, food-grade oils, gear oils, various industrial and marine oils are available.
In addition to these, Treadstone Industrial Sales is also a distributor of automotive tires, batteries and fireproof vaults.
And realizing the increased danger in developing illnesses associated with poor air quality, the company expanded its product line by offering the iBorg AIR PURIFIER.